The poems are a beautiful evocation of landscape and longing. There is a great sadness in them, a feeling of an exile from a place that had once been home, but also a sense of alienation from a place which is now home. They capture beautifully the need to return and the knowledge that you never can... a superb collection."
Karen Maitland
"Paul Abdul Wadud Sutherland's masterful ability to travel between the abstract, almost philosophical layers of thinking and the very concrete, earth-like reminiscences, is something any reader will find fascinating."
Mario Susko
"Paul Abdul Wadud Sutherland is a poet who evokes so well the perspective of the foreign traveller who has eventually settled, almost without realizing it, in a land thousands of miles from his own. Paul’s compelling way of telling stories in poetry opens the door widely and generously to the humanity of his world, which as we read on, becomes ours."
Ian Seed